Features Of Python

  1. Simple and easy to learn
  2. Both Procedure Oriented and Object Oriented Language
  3. Freeware and Open Source
  4. Dynamically Typed Language
  5. Platform independent
  6. Portability
  7. General purpose high level language
  8. Interpreted
  9. Extensive
  10. Embedded
  11. Extensive library

Flavors of python

  • CPython
  • JPython
  • PyPy
  • Iron Python
  • RubyPython
  • AnakondaPython
  • Stackless  Python

Python Identifiers :

Python Identifier is a name given to variables, functions, methods and classes Etc.,

Rules to create an identifier name :

  1. we can use alphabets( both Upper and lower case)
  2. we can use digits( 0-9)
  3. No special Symbols included with in the identifier name Except Underscore(_)
  4. Python identifiers are case sensitive
  5. keywords Should not be used as identifier name
  6. No length Limit

Keywords in Python:

  1. True
  2. False
  3. None
  4. and
  5. or
  6. not
  7. is
  8. if
  9. else
  10. elif
  11. while
  12. for
  13. break
  14. continue
  15. return
  16. in
  17. yield
  18. try
  19. except
  20. finally
  21. raise
  22. assert
  23. import
  24. class
  25. as
  26. from
  27. def
  28. del
  29. global
  30. nonlocal
  31. lambda
  32. with
  33. pass

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