Features Of Python
- Simple and easy to learn
- Both Procedure Oriented and Object Oriented Language
- Freeware and Open Source
- Dynamically Typed Language
- Platform independent
- Portability
- General purpose high level language
- Interpreted
- Extensive
- Embedded
- Extensive library
Flavors of python
- CPython
- JPython
- PyPy
- Iron Python
- RubyPython
- AnakondaPython
- Stackless Python
Python Identifiers :
Python Identifier is a name given to variables, functions, methods and classes Etc.,
Rules to create an identifier name :
- we can use alphabets( both Upper and lower case)
- we can use digits( 0-9)
- No special Symbols included with in the identifier name Except Underscore(_)
- Python identifiers are case sensitive
- keywords Should not be used as identifier name
- No length Limit
Keywords in Python:
- True
- False
- None
- and
- or
- not
- is
- if
- else
- elif
- while
- for
- break
- continue
- return
- in
- yield
- try
- except
- finally
- raise
- assert
- import
- class
- as
- from
- def
- del
- global
- nonlocal
- lambda
- with
- pass