If condition is true if following statements will be executed. If condition is false if following statements will not be executed.
if condition : statement-1 statement-2 statement-3
- Write a program to read 3 subjects marks of a student. Calculate total ,average, ( if avg>60) then print “Qualified” along with total average marks.
a,b,c=[eval(x) for x in input(“Enter 3”).split()] t=a+b+c avg=t/3 if avg>60: print(“qualified”) print(“total={} /n average={}”.format(t,avg)) print(“program ended”)
- Write a program to read age of a candidate in years if age is >=18 then only read candidate name, mobile number and city and confirmation message.
n=int((input(“Enter age”)) if n>=18 : name=input(“Enter name”) mobile=int(input(“Enter mobile no”) city=input(“Enter city”) print(“ name:”,name) print(“mobile no:”,mobile) print(“city:”,city) print(“your are successfully registered”)
If condition is true if following statements will be executed. If condition is false else following statements will be executed.
if condition : statement-1 statement-2 else : statement-3 statement-4
- Write a program to read a name from the keyboard if name is geetha then print good morning, otherwise print good evening
name=input(“Enter your name”) if name==”geetha” : print(“good morning”, name) else : print(“good evening”, name)
- Write a program to find given number is even number (or) odd number.
n=int(input(“Enter number”) if(n%2==0) : print(“even number =”,n) else : print(“odd number=”,n)
To check condition from more than 2 expressions then we use el-if statement.
if condition: statement-1 statement-2 elif condition : statement-3 statement-4 else : statement-5 statement-6
- Write a program to find biggest number among 3 numbers.
a,b,c =[eval(x) for x in input(“Enter 3 numbers”).split()]
if a>b :
if a>c : print(“{} is big “.format(a)) elif b>c : print(“{} is big”.format(b)) else print(“{} is big” .format(c))
- Write a program to read 5 subjects marks of a student calculate total, avg and print the result with following details:
t=a+b+c+d+e avg=t/5 if avg>=75 : print(“Distinction”) elif avg>=60 : print(“1st class) elif avg>=45 : print(“2nd class”) else : print(”3rd class”)
- Write a program to read list of elements from keyboards and print even numbers to console the given list.
l=eval(input(“Enter a list”)) for x in l: if x%2==0 print(x) print(“program ends”)
- Write a program to find the sum of digits of a given number.
n=int(input(“Enter a number”)) sum=0 while n!=0 : r=n%10 sum=sum+r n=n/10 print(“Sum of digits”, sum)
- Write a program to find given number is Armstrong number or not
n=int(input("enter n value") sum=0 while n!=0 : r=n%10 sum=sum+r*r*r n=n/10 if sum==x: print(“Armstrong”)
- Write a program to print the nth table
n=int((input(“Enter a number”)) i=1 while i<=10 : m=n*i print(“{}*{}”.format(n,i,m)) i=i+1
- Write a program to print the following pattern
* * * * * * * * * *
n=int(input(”Enter no. of rows”)) for x in range (1, n+1) : for y in range(x) : print(“*”, end= ‘ ‘) print( )
Write a program to print the following pattern. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
n=int(input(“Enter no of rows”)) for x in range(1,n+1) for y in range (1, n-x+1): print( “ “,end=’ ‘) for z in range(x): print(“*”,end=’ ‘) print()
- Write a program to print the following pattern :
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
n=int(input(“Enter no of rows”)) for x in range (1,n+1) : for z in range (1,n+1) : print(“*”, end=’ ‘) print()
Write a program to print the following pattern
1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 n=int(input(“Enter no. of rows “)) for x in range (1,n+1): for y in range(1, n-x+1): print(“ “,end=’ ‘) for z in range(x): print(x, end=” “) print()
- Write a program to print the following pattern:
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
n=int(input(“Enter no. of rows”)) for x in range (1,n+1): for y in range(1, n-x+1): print(“ “,end=’ ‘) for z in range(1,x+1) : print(z, end=” “) print()
- Write a program to print the following format
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n=int(input(“Enter no. of rows) p=1 for x in range (1, n+1) for y in range(1, n-x+1) : print(“ “, end=” “) for z in range(1,x+1) : print(p,end=’ ‘) p=p+1 print() USING CONTINUE:
- Write a program to print 5 positive numbers:
i=1 while i<=5 : n=int(input(‘enter a number’)) if n<=0: continue else : print(n) i=i+1
- Write a program to find the sum of n integers
sum=0 n=int(input(“Enter a number”)) for x in range(n) y=int(input(“Enter a number”)) sum=sum+y
- Write a program to read list of cities in India and print welcome with city name If city name is Vijayawada then loop terminates.
while(True): n=input(“Enter city”) if city= “Vijayawada” : break else: print(“Welcome”,n) print(“program ended “)
- Write a program to print Fibonacci series of first n terms
t1=0 t2=1 print(t1, t2) n=int(input(“Enter n value”) i=3 while i<=n : t3=t1+t2 print(t3) t1=t2 t2=t3 i=i+1
- Write a program to print the “ fibonacci series upto n”:
t1=0 t2=1 print(t1, t2) n=int(input(“Enter n value”)) t3=t1+t2 while t3<=n: print(t3) t1=t2 t2=t3 t3=t1+t2
- Write a program to count the Fibonacci series upto n
x=2 t1=0 t2=1 print(t1, t2) n=int(input(“Enter n value “)) t3=t1+t2 while t3<n : x=x+1 t1=t2 t2=t3 t3=t1+t2 print(x)
Function is sub-routine, which is design to perform a specific task. Functions ccontains 3 parts and they are as follows:
Simply declaring a function.
def add(arguments): statements-1 statements-2 statements-3 add(arguments)
In positional arguments order is important.
def add(a,b): print(a+b) def sub(a,b) print(a-b) add(2,3) #5 sub(10,10) #0
def add (): a=10 b=20 print(a+b) def sub() : print(a-b) add() sub()
- Write a program to find add, sub,mul of 2 integers. Using function.
def calc(a,b) : print(a+b) print(a-b) print(a*b) calc(2,3) #6, -1,6 calc(10,20) # 30,-10,200
In this keyword argument order is not important. Here, positional argument is followed by keyword argument.
Ex-1: def add(a,b) : print(a+b) def sub(a,b) print(a-b) add(a=10,b=20) #30 sub(b=20,a=10) #-10 add(b=1,a=3) #4 sub(a=10, b=25) #-15
Ex-2 :
def add(a,b): print(a+b) def sub(a,b): print(a-b) add(10,a=20) #ERROR sub(b=20,15) #ERROR sub(10,b=15) #-5
Ex-1: def add(a,b=20) print(a+b) add(10,50) #60 [It overrides] add(10) #30
We can pass multiple values for a single variable. Var-Arg variable is tuple object.
Ex-1 : def add(*t) c=a+b return c print(add(10,20))
def add(a,b) c=a+b print( c) print(add(10,20)
def add(*t) s=0 for x in t : s=s+x print(s) add(10) #10 add(10,20) #30 add(10,20,30) #60 add(10,20,30,40) #100